Daily Inspiration: 12 Breath-taking Aerial Photographs of UNESCO World Heritage Sites to make your day

12 Breath-taking Aerial Photographs of UNESCO World Heritage Sites to make your day

Since aerial photography became more common and accessible, we've been able to see many iconic places from a totally new perspective. And if you'd like to see UNESCO World Heritage Sites from a bird's view, Overview is just the place. On its website and social media. There are both cultural and natural sites, and you can see them all from a different point of view. UNESCO-united nation educational scientific and cultural organization. Since 1972, UNESCO has been working to preserve monuments around the world by assigning destinations the status of World Heritage Site. As of today, there are 1,121 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which include both natural and cultural areas. In some cases, entire cities are named to the list for their cultural significance. With so many places in the program, it can be difficult to keep track, but luckily Overview is taking us on a unique tour. They've put together a collection of UNESCO World Heritage Sites as seen from above, and the results are astounding.

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