Daily Inspiration: 15 Contemporary Hyper Realistic Oil Paintings of Jacinthe Rivard

15 Contemporary Hyper Realistic Oil Paintings of Jacinthe Rivard

Jacinthe Rivard is an artist based in Montreal, Canada who has a deep passion for painting right from her young age. She has been practising portrait drawing for a long time until her painting of the coca-cola pack received an overwhelming response from her followers on social media. She believed that a vintage telephone drawing would recall someone's first love, the sweet memories of playing in the backyard at a young age would be reminded by a water gun drawing. Her passion includes food painting too as it makes people happy. Jacinthe always love to see the happiness on the face of people around her and she tries to do her best to retain it. She plays around with her beautiful drawings with quirky titles to make people enjoy. Her painting with oil takes a very long time which is exhaustive but with her perseverance, she does masterpieces of arts. Here we share a few contemporary oil paintings of Jacinthe Rivard for you to enjoy.

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