Daily Inspiration: 15 Beautiful Pattachitra Paintings - Folk and Tribal Art of Odisha India

15 Beautiful Pattachitra Paintings - Folk and Tribal Art of Odisha India

What is Pattachitra Painting?

In Sanskrit, Patta means 'cloth' and chithra means 'painting'. It's a painting on a cloth and this technique is quite popular in Odisha. The pattachitra painting mostly revolve around the hindu mythological characters of Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu. It's believed to have originated in the 12th century. During the 16th century, when the Bhakti movement started, a lot of pattachitra paintings based on the stories of Lord Krishna and Radha were popular. Till date, pattachithra paintings are quite popular in Odisha. The stories of Puri Jeganatha is the central theme for these pattachitra paintings for beginners.

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