20 Fairy tale based surreal watercolor paintings by Stephanie PuiMun Law

A  brief encounter with fantasy and reality is how we would describe the surreal paintings of Stephanie PuiMun Law. Her watercolor paintings are infused with surrealism and fantasy. Mighty dragons befriending pretty damsels kind of reminds of "Beauty and the Beast" story. She uses gold/silver leaves, watercolor, ink, resin and more to create beautiful paintings. The texture are cleverly interwoven to bring an aesthetic appeal to the viewers. According to her biography,"Archetypes, the basis for the universal appeal of mythological concepts, are one of the defining inspirations for her imagery. This is mingled with the movement of dance. Stephanie has been a dancer for almost two decades, and she uses that experience of how the human body moves and emotes to create a bridge into her artwork so that not only do the humans dance across the page, but the branches of her trees move with a sinuous grace, and the arrangement of inanimate elements has a choreographed rhythm and flow". She currently lives and works from California.  

Read Full Post here: Surreal Watercolor Paintings Stephaine Puimun Law
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