Daily Inspiration: 25 Stunning HDR Photography examples and Tips for Beginners

25 Stunning HDR Photography examples and Tips for Beginners
HDR Photography

HDR Photography or High Dynamic Range Photos have been used by photography, ever since the eveolvement of films, however this is quite a new technique which has been introduced to smartphones. HDR Photography is basically taking two or three different photos of the same scenary in different shutter speeds and with the help of a software, blend them into a single photo while making some adjustments to the contrast ratios.Depending on the amount of light that passed through the lens while capturing the photo, you can get amazing bright, dark or medium photos. Imagine closing your eyes and try to remember any beautiful scene, even in your mind, some parts of the scene will be blurred, but others will be more prominent. HDR photography is more like the picture is etched in your mind. In this post we have added 25 Stunning HDR Photography examples for inspiration.

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