Funny and Trendy Cats with Hats of their own Fur made by Japanese artist Ryo Yamazaki

Japanese artist Ryo Yamazaki recycled the cat shed furs into beautiful hats for his cats.  The three scottish folds Mugi, Maru and Nya are very obedient and cooperative with their master in photographing their distinct poses.  The hats ranging from cones to horns to acorns are actually enjoyed by the cats and this even led way for Ryo's wife Hiromi to create a small cottage industry of selling cat fur hats. Apart from being a hit on Instagram Ryo also holds exhibitions to showcase his out of the box idea of cat fur hats.  Cute and adorable cats after their grooming with hats look funny and they pose with a serious look on their face.  Let us scroll down to have a look at those cute cats with hats.

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