Daily Inspiration: 20 Best Celebrity Caricature Drawings from top artists around the world

20 Best Celebrity Caricature Drawings from top artists around the world

Enjoy 20 celebrity caricatures created by some of the funniest minds in the world. The best jokes are sometimes when you can laugh at your own self. The first caricature was created by William Hogarth in 1748 and it was about french monks and soldiers. Since then caricatures have been a favourite amongst cartoonists. The most sought after caricatures are celebrity carictures, political caricatures and more. Caricatures are sometimes used to pass on some kind of message to the general public or it may represent a hilarious toon. Over sized noses, bloating heads, razor teeth are some of the prominent trends visible in a celebrity caricature. When you take a look at these funny celebrity carictures, it makes you wonder, Do they really look like this?

Read Full Post here: 20 Best Celebrity Caricature Drawings from top artists around the world

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