The 25 Most Beautiful Butterfly Pictures in the world

Checkout the cool butterfly pictures from around the world. Did you know the  biggest butterfly on earth is Attacus Atlas found in Asia. Some of the beautiful butterfly pictures around the world are monarchs, swallow tail, queen and more. The monarch butterfly picture is the most common around the world. Did you know that the biggest butterfly, Attacus Atlas is infact a moth? The attacus atlas wings measure  more than 11 inches and the surface area is 62 square inches. They are bigger than your palms. The queen butterfly scientific name is Danaus Gilippus and it's a local to north and south America. The queen butterfly is related to the monarch butterflies, but they are bigger in size. The orange and rust color is the most common amongst monarch butterflies. The monarch butterflies are considered to be poisonous and usually birds don't feed on them, since their primary diet is poisonous milkweeds.

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