Stunning Needle Felting and Wet Felting Animal Sculptures by Zenia

Sculptures: The Lady Moth is very talented in creating animal sculptures out of felt cloth and needling. She loves nature and especially birds. Most of her animal sculptures are of owls, birds, mouse and so on. Her moths are intricately designed with vibrant colors. When you look at her work, it gives you a sense a peace. According to Zenia @ The Lady Moth, "Inspired mainly by the natural world, I am capturing beauty of various creatures and atmospheric landscape... owls, hares, insects, fungi, foliage, etc. My creations are made from natural materials: wool, silk, bamboo fibre, cotton, linen, wooden twigs. I also use different kinds of wire, gemstones and glass beads. I avoid using glue, although some might be used to stiffen fragile needle felted parts such as beaks. Most parts are felted or sewn together". 

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